Warta Industri
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- Pambuka: Minangka luwih akeh wong sing ngerti babagan pengaruhe pilihan sing dipilih, dheweke nggoleki alternatif gratis lan karep kanggo produk kulit tradisional. Vegan leather is a great option that is not only better for the planet, but also durable and...Waca liyane
- Vegan leather is not leather at all. It is a synthetic material made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyurethane. Kulit kaya iki wis udakara udakara 20 taun, nanging saiki wis dadi luwih populer amarga keuntungan lingkungan. The benefits of vegan leather are...Waca liyane
- Cork has been used for over 5,000 years as a way of sealing containers. Afhora, ditemokake ing Efesus lan pacaran saka abad kaping pisanan ing SMP disegel kanthi efektif karo stopper Cork sing isih ana anggur. The ancient Greeks used it to make sandals and the ancient Chinese and Bab...Waca liyane
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- What is Cork Leather? Cork leather is made from the bark of Cork Oaks. Cork Oaks tuwuh kanthi alami ing wilayah Mediterania ing Eropa, sing ngasilake 80% gabus ing jagad iki, nanging gabus sing bermutu tinggi saiki uga ditanam ing China lan India. Cork trees must be at least 25 years old before the bark...Waca liyane
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- Kanthi fokus ing bahan kelestarian bahan, luwih akeh merek-merek lan tas wiwit madu lan gunakake vegan faux kanggo produk. More and more consumers are proud to buy products made from bio-based materials. As a professional supplier of the faux leather materials, t...Waca liyane
- 1. Negara Analisis Bioekonomy EU 2018 data Eurostat nuduhake manawa ing EU27 + UK, kalebu sektor utama Biasa, kalebu luwih saka $ 2,4 Triliun, dibandhingake karo taunan taunan taun 2008. The food an...Waca liyane
- Musor kulit digawa ing sawetara bathi sing apik. Kain berbasis jamur wis resmi diluncurake kanthi jeneng gedhe kaya Adidas, Tommy, Tommy, celonone, celonone, celonone, lan celonone, lan celonone, lan celonone digawe saka kulit jamur. According to the latest data from Grand Vie...Waca liyane
- 29 Juli 2021 - Departemen Pertanian Pertanian (USDA) Wakil ing Sekretaris Program Pembangunan Justin Maxson dina iki, ing dina kaping 10 nggawe label produk biobased USDA, mbukak analisis pengaruh produk produk produk AS Biobased AS. ...Waca liyane